Animal shelter volunteer agreement: what you need to know

Volunteering at an animal shelter can be a rewarding experience as you get to help animals in need and make a difference in your community. However, before you start volunteering, it`s important to understand the volunteer agreement and what it entails.

The volunteer agreement is a document that outlines the responsibilities, expectations, and rules for volunteers at the animal shelter. It`s important to read and understand the agreement before signing it as it`s a legal document that you`re agreeing to abide by.

Here are some key points to consider in the animal shelter volunteer agreement:

1. Time commitment: The agreement will outline the amount of time you`re expected to commit to volunteering. This can vary depending on the shelter and the role you`re taking on. Make sure you`re able to commit to the required time before signing the agreement.

2. Responsibilities: The agreement will outline the specific tasks and responsibilities you`ll be expected to perform. This can include things like cleaning cages, feeding animals, walking dogs, and helping with adoptions.

3. Training: Most shelters require volunteers to complete some form of training before starting their duties. This can include orientation, safety training, and specific training related to the tasks you`ll be performing.

4. Safety: Animal shelters can be a dangerous environment with potential risks of bites, scratches, and other injuries. The agreement will outline the safety procedures you should follow to minimize these risks.

5. Confidentiality: Animal shelters deal with sensitive information about animals and their owners. The agreement will likely include a confidentiality clause that prohibits volunteers from sharing this information with others.

6. Code of conduct: The agreement will outline the standards of behavior expected of volunteers. This can include things like showing up on time, being respectful to animals and staff, and following the shelter`s rules and policies.

7. Liability: The agreement will likely include a liability waiver that releases the shelter from responsibility in case of injury or other damages that may occur while volunteering.

In conclusion, volunteering at an animal shelter can be a great way to give back and make a difference in your community. However, it`s important to understand the responsibilities and expectations outlined in the volunteer agreement before signing up. Take the time to read and understand the agreement to ensure you`re able to fulfill your commitments and have a positive volunteering experience.